10 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before Starting a Business

I’ve done it all to build what I thought was the right business.


I’ve invested tens of thousands of dollars in branding and strategists. Taken a million courses and attended all of the conferences. Read tons of books and blogs. Not to mention battling all of the stress that came with constantly spinning my wheels and spending money, only for my dreams to fall flat, year after year. I was right on the edge of succumbing to that disappointment and discouragement when I finally figured out that I’d been focusing on all the wrong things. 

While I was following all of the gurus’ advice, I lost sight of the fundamentals, the really important things that would make or break my business—and me.

Success, profitability and true purpose came for me when I shifted my focus to who I was and how I could transform women’s lives, regardless of what that looked like to anyone else.  Click To Tweet

These were the things that should have come before the coach. Before the logo and branding style guide. Before the social media strategy, flatlays and the well-staged, “natural” Oh-I-am-always-walking-down-the-street-fully-beat-in-stilettos-and-having-the-time-of-my-life images for your feed. (Because, of course, this is what you need to be successful, right?). Success, profitability and true purpose came for me when I shifted my focus to who I was and how I could transform women’s lives, regardless of what that looked like to anyone else. 

I am going to go against everything you’ve probably ever heard about how to start your business matter right now. Yes, how your business shows up will eventually be important, but, first, there is some soul searching and strategizing that needs to happen. You don’t want to just build any business. You want to build the right business—for you. And with that in mind, I want you to dig in a little so that you save time, money and lay the foundation for a business you love, and that will love you back. 

Grab a pen and one of those pretty, empty journals that you had no idea what to do with, and answer a few questions:

  1. What problem do you want to solve?
  2. What do you want to be known for?
  3. What can you offer that someone will buy?
  4. Who is your audience and how will you communicate your value to them?
  5. Why should customers do business with you and not others in your industry?
  6. How many hours a week will you dedicate to your business?
  7. How many hours a week can you devote to studying your niche?
  8. How many hours a week will you dedicate to self-care?
  9. What boundaries will you set to keep yourself sane and prevent burnout?
  10. Are you ready to serve others and make a difference?

Thinking through these essential questions will make starting your business not only easier, but ensures that you build something that aligns with who you are not just as an entrepreneur, but as a woman. Yes, there are some questions that a coach, like me, can help you sort through. But there are some answers that only you and private time with God can give. You know you better than anyone else. 

Be honest and real with yourself. When you decide to build the right business for you, there are no such thing as wrong answers. 

Your public life is thriving but your private life is falling apart…


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